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Register for the Utah Lake Symposium on August 4th!
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About Us
What is going wrong with Utah Lake and how can you help
Utah Lake and its tributaries make up a unique ecosystem that supports human and animal life along the Wasatch Front. As the largest naturally occurring freshwater lake in the western U.S., Utah Lake provides precious habitat for native fish species, migratory birds, and the invertebrates that sustain them. Thousands of residents in Utah Valley also benefit from Utah Lake’s ecosystem services including recreation, nutrient removal, and beauty. With over half a million residents in its watershed, Utah Lake has been hard hit by water pollution and water diversion for human use. Utah Lake now experiences periodic harmful algal blooms and degraded habitat.
We are partnering with BYU students and the citizens of Utah Valley to sample water quality in all the tributaries to Utah Lake. We will analyze water chemistry from over 400 points to identify where water pollutants come from and how ecosystem processes and human management can help clean up the watershed. Participants will receive water sampling kits and training so they can collect one or more water samples at sites near their homes or throughout the Utah Lake Watershed (see site map here). By working together to understand water flow and water quality in Utah Valley, we can better understand our connection with the natural world and keep Utah Lake healthy and thriving for generations to come.
Have more questions about the project? Read a more detailed description here.
If you missed our March Kick-off Event, you can watch video of the panel speakers on our Facebook page!
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